By esb - 13/08/2009 15:23 - Canada

Today, I finally had sex with this great guy I've been seeing. I thought I'd found a catch. We get into his room, start kissing, and things heat up. Everything is perfect until he reaches under his bed, pulls out a doughnut and shoves it into my mouth, snarling, "eat it, eat it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 859
You deserved it 8 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So dress up like a cop. ...on second thought, an "under the bed" doughnut would be a dealbreaker, anyway.


i'm still laughing my ass off!!! hahahaha

Dude, I ******* loves donuts, and for guys to talk dirty. Would've been perfect if it was like a bismark kind filled with jelly or something, then you could've had kinky sex with condiments from the donut! lol But seriously, you got laid and got food. The only thing that wouldv'e made it even better would be if you played video games afterwards. Imma go eat a donut now :) lol

Yeah, I would never marry a guy without having sex with him AND living with him first. Well, I had sex with and lived with my husband first, and we've been together 6 years almost. I think I did things in the right order! Had sex, moved in, got married, had kids.

IUsed2 0

>_< ... XFD that is hilarious

Well why not eat it in a sexy fashion and turn it into a game in your own mind. I mean there are alot worse fetishes so why not entertain this guys harmless one. Seriously if my girl did something like that i would play along with enthusiasm. If it is going to get your partner off and it isn't a painfull or humiliating expirience for you than why not?

teeda 1

I hope it wasn't a sour cream doughnut. I hate those. lol

ALittleBirdToldM 0

maybe he thinks its sexy to eat old nasty doughnuts and it was turning him on(: haha. sorry anyway.

LMFAOOOO this is probaly one of the funniest things ive read in a long time.

Sex+food=win you have officially become the best inside joke ever between me and my friends. we all force-feed each other donuts now!