By esb - 13/08/2009 15:23 - Canada

Today, I finally had sex with this great guy I've been seeing. I thought I'd found a catch. We get into his room, start kissing, and things heat up. Everything is perfect until he reaches under his bed, pulls out a doughnut and shoves it into my mouth, snarling, "eat it, eat it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 859
You deserved it 8 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So dress up like a cop. ...on second thought, an "under the bed" doughnut would be a dealbreaker, anyway.


Jennydew 0

Uh, psycho!! YDI because it sounds like you had sex with him anyway.

whyme_ss 0

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHA THATS HILARIOUS HE SOUNDS LIKE AN ANGRY 4 YEAR OLD hahahahaaaaa and btw ydi for still having sex w/ him

reminds me of that Weird Al Yankovic "Eat It" song lol ^_^

TobyLuckhurst 0


Darling_Darkling 0

my boyfriend did that to me once, but with crunchy nut cornflakes xD.

Sometimes I wish there was a Q and A after FML's. I'm so curious as to if they actually proceed to have sex after this, what kind of doughnut it was, how old and gross the doughnut was, and if he got it from a box. How am I supposed to know if this is a FML or not without these factors included?

dELiA14 0

What. The. Hell. That duddde is whackkkked girl... How long was the doughnut there for?!?

oh my god someone needs to make a comic of this. this is hilarious.

samman92 1

sounds like someone likes doughnuts o.o