By esb - 13/08/2009 15:23 - Canada

Today, I finally had sex with this great guy I've been seeing. I thought I'd found a catch. We get into his room, start kissing, and things heat up. Everything is perfect until he reaches under his bed, pulls out a doughnut and shoves it into my mouth, snarling, "eat it, eat it!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 74 859
You deserved it 8 327

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So dress up like a cop. ...on second thought, an "under the bed" doughnut would be a dealbreaker, anyway.


marissajean42 0

Yup, definitely a feeder. Problem is, there are guys like him who force their partner to eat, and then there are the ones who mutually agree to it, which can be pretty sexy if you're into that, but the guys like him make the whole fetish seem really creepy. I have no problem with bringing food into the bedroom, especially sweets, but to force someone to eat is just not right. See, no one would have to force me because whenever I'm horny I'm hungry too. LOL

missunlucky_fml 0
EveryDayJackAss 0

i know people are mental......but WOW this one really blows the shit out of the water

He's doing a remix of "Beat It". Play along, gotdam.

myfriendjill 0

Haha!! I can imagine my bf doing that to me, cuz I've lost a lot of weight, and he thinks seeing my hip bones when I'm sitting down now is disgusting. lol.

moonlit_manga 0

hahahahahahahahahaha!!!!! WTF a doughnut?! ok that's just awkward! lol this made me laugh!

TheScratchyTurtl 0

Your doughnuts make me go nuts.maybe he was just being nice and offering you some.

TheBrunetteDevil 0

i think ur bf is a creeper, i mean, I would be freaked. was he like, growling at you?