Poisoned chalice

By Anonymous - 01/12/2023 20:00 - United Kingdom - Gillingham

Today, I learned that just because I inherited a house doesn’t mean I get to move into it to escape my crappy neighbourhood and asshole neighbours. Thanks to inheritance tax I have to sell the house to afford the taxes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 624
You deserved it 106

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Maybe take a mortgage (on the property) for the taxes? Not sure if this is possible in your country.


Humble bragging? … OP it will take a while to get the process over with, but with the proceeds of the sale less the tax you will be in the positive territory. Then you can look for a better place to live… Be careful, sometimes the neighbors are assholes because they are responding to your actions, words, or attitude. Of course sometimes they are just assholes…

Maybe take a mortgage (on the property) for the taxes? Not sure if this is possible in your country.