By likecomeon - 03/11/2015 03:55 - United States - Glendale

Today, I figured out why my 'best friend' hasn't talked to me in weeks. She assumed an FML post she read was about her. It was posted in 2009. I met her last year. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 940
You deserved it 1 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if she doesn't trust you and she believes in 'if the crown fits', then you should not be friends any more. How petty


Well, if she doesn't trust you and she believes in 'if the crown fits', then you should not be friends any more. How petty

Not to mention that she's obviously done something to the OP that is bad enough to be subject of a different FML.

@78, It means if something sounds like it applies to you, accept it. Realize that you do whatever it's talking about. If whatever was in the FML wasn't true of OP's friend, they wouldn't have assumed it was about them, so they're probably guilty of whatever the OP complained about as well. I've never heard "if the crown fits", though. Only "if the shoe fits, wear it". Unless the OP posted a very specific FML, then OP's friend is just paranoid and insecure.

Well... Let's see how this one goes down. *reaches for the popcorn*

agreed #2, some people will get offended no matter what. two tears in a bucket and eff it

waits for an FML to pop up from the "best friend" reading the FML

tiger820 20

ignorance status, next level! some people think everything is about them.

That would probably be a good thing for OP since they might realize that OP wasn't lying

Nah, she'll just find a way to be offended by this one instead.

Then OP realizes it's time for a new best friend. It's a win-win.

Doomed! Just wait until she reads this post!

Welp I see who didn't do to pre k and learn numbers

I didn't go to pre k and have an A in algebra

Yeah, but you still missed out on all of those not-taking-jokes-seriously classes provided in preschool.

I really hope that she sees this FML and replies back