By Anonymous - 01/12/2012 06:06 - United States - Friendswood

Today, I brought a boy over to my house to help with a history project. My mom suddenly swooped in and bombarded him with questions about his and my sex life, and how she wants to have exactly four grandchildren. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 327
You deserved it 2 245

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's a sign to do him right there on the table. At least that's the signal that your Mom is getting across


That sounds like a typical parent, not so much an FML.

Well, at least he knows. For future reference.

Hey guys, I apologize if anybody thinks my comment was offensive in any way. I'm really sorry guys.

It's not offensive. Just a lame joke, that's all.

He knows for scientific purposes later.


I see you're new here. The number one rule of FML is that if the comment isn't funny, says something negative towards a popular FML-er, or completely misinterprets the FML, you're gonna get thumbed down. And 9 times out of 10, if you post another comment trying to save face, it's gonna get thumbed down twice as much. Don't take it to heart, though- The best of us get thumbed down. Except the mods, because they won't let us. Doesn't stop me. Any comment I see from Alan, I get a sharpie and draw a thumbs down beside it, just to prove a point.

Top comment because the other one got deleted. I feel special.

and thats how i will prevent my daughter from having sex!!

Yea, now they're onto chemical bonding. Or maybe they're studying on how to make a haploid cell turn into a diploid cell.

ryry013 6

I'd like to delete this comment. But I can't. I wish to save FML from the ugliness of its past state. :(

I think that's a sign to do him right there on the table. At least that's the signal that your Mom is getting across

Something tells me she would stay and watch, maybe correct him.

That's not really a normal reaction, is it? I thought most mothers would be against their kids having a sex life with some person she has never met. That's awkward. FYL.

Apparently in this case, the wanna-be grandma's wishes are more powerful than common sense or regard for her daughter's own life decisions. Let's hope she was just trying to scare the guy off, and she's not actually that crazy. (Trying to maintain some faith in humanity)

echosaints 5

Idk, It sounds like she was trying to scare him off. If someone asked me to give them "exactly" 4 grandchildren I would be gone. Ops mother is genius!

you'd better not disappoint her or else she could go poking holes in your condoms

This wasn't a very well-thought-out response.

it was a joke... I'll crawl back in my hole now...

No need to worry, those of us with a sense of humor would like you to stay out of your hole. This was a solid comment!

Exactly four? I was always wanted 3 and a half...

I know. I hate how some people vote YDI on things where people clearly don't deserve it. It's like they think it's funny, but it's not.

It's probably (and hopefully) on accident by those who are on the app. I almost hit YDI myself, glad I didn't.

I've made accidental button hits, but normally, it's trolls.

On PC, you can quickly quick "I agree, your life sucks" multiple times quickly, giving multiple votes. The problem is that when it registers, "YDI" shifts over to the left, often getting clicked.

Exactly 4 children?? Not 3 3/4 children? Or 4 1/2 children?

....Or.... 1..... or.... 2....? I don't know if the mother wants bodyparts strewn across the room.

56- AC was making a joke about how lots of times national averages of children per capita will be non-integers, making for humorous conjectures like "~2.5 children? How does one have half a child?~" Or are you being sarcastic too.....