By franska - 03/11/2015 00:14 - Suède - Lund

Today, I stumbled upon a slightly drunk neighbor, trying to type in the entry code with his penis. FML
I agree, your life sucks 918
You deserved it 61

Top comments

He was only slightly drunk? Wow, what happens when he gets really drunk?

The mental image of that is strangely hilarious.


The mental image of that is strangely hilarious.

Can't tell if this is a bad pun, or you for some reason think that the person in question is a dick for being intoxicated. I'm gonna assume the former.

Very bad pun obviously! Aren't they all though lol.

He was only slightly drunk? Wow, what happens when he gets really drunk?

Yourheadache 19

This FML is from 2015 and yet is in the Latest section. :/

This is an FML World, it was not originally in English. It has only recently been translated. :)

Nothing has been posted on the Swedish FML site since 2014 though, to my great disappointment.

From the tone of this, I take it you weren't impressed.

kaitlyn520 13

He was just trying to cum inside(;

xcllla_ 27

'Burp!' Gotta type this code. hands all full 'hic!'

I read that as 'Edgar Bug' from Men In Black.