By Anonymous - 11/04/2016 00:18 - Canada - Maple

Today, I found out that my best friend's psycho ex-girlfriend has been stalking me on social media for the past few months, when she contacted me asking why I was holding hands with him in a picture from over two years ago. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 392
You deserved it 1 354

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Probably time to start blocking her where ever you can, don't need no negativity in your life!:)

Block her everywhere and if she makes new accounts and keeps stalking you get the police involved


Probably time to start blocking her where ever you can, don't need no negativity in your life!:)

Block her, but document this and anything else shes said or done, in case you ever end up needing to get police involved. Document, document, document!!

amileah13 26

If you can, block her. She's clearly obsessive and crazy and not worth your time even responding back to her. Good luck op

You can block her if shes just bothering you on social media but if she starts to show up IRL then it's time to report her ass

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countryb_cth 38

Yes because we all know that Facebook sends you a notification to let you know that said person is stalking your profile. I mean how could OP not know about being stalked...

Is it opposite day, #5? If so, you have a wonderful heart filled with empathy and the world needs more people like that.

You must be a special kind of stupid

She clearly stated that she didn't know the ex was stalking her until said ex contacted her about a pic from 2 years ago, your reading comprehension is bullshit

id like to think hes being sarcastic... but from the exceptional intelligence factor thats running rampant around here its hard to tell now a days....

just watch your back, she might be behind you

I know a lot of people already said it, but I think blocking her is the best move here...

Block her everywhere and if she makes new accounts and keeps stalking you get the police involved

Scary/creepy as that is, I'd reply with "because no one understands him the way I do." FYL, I'm sorry, OP. For the record, don't take my advice if you think she'll hurt someone. We don't want that one flying over the cuckoo's nest.

That's a great response idea xD And I don't think she's capable of actually hurting me, but then again, I don't know her very well (Only spoken to her once before)

I'm guessing guy but I can't say for sure

Who cares, that's clearly not the point of the post. And if you infer, the fact that it's a psycho ex-GIRLfriend could imply OP is a girl.

I agree with 17 and 18 it really shouldn't matter. This post has nothing specifically to do with gender

COSaikou 7

Omg I found this too too funny. "m/f?"

Eh, it doesn't really matter tbh what gender they are

Hey guys! OP here. Just to clarify, I'm a girl :)