By not living happily ever after - 02/12/2014 17:02 - United States - Virginia Beach

Today, I deleted a load of junk that was messing up my mother's computer. I don't know how I'm going to tell her I accidentally wiped out all of her wedding photos. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 458
You deserved it 31 467

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I sure hope she has some kind of backup...

1. Perhaps you and your mother both should learn about the magic thing that is backup (external hdd, cloud whatever) 2. I hope you didn't touch the computer after you realized this and immedediately talked to a professional, because as long as you didn't overwrite the "free storage" they might still be saved


I sure hope she has some kind of backup...

orbit 22

Maybe the photographer has back ups?

Oh shoot! I'd feel terrible if she didn't have a backup.

1dvs_bstd 41

Seriously people? There are loads of softwares out there that can recover deleted files. I suggest OP uses one before his momma boards the crazy freakout train.

Hold up. Programs like that are useless unless they are either able to collect a backup upon starting the computer, or given a manual one to search through that contains the photos. They also use and obscene amount of space to save ~5 backups at any time. I hate to bring up people's mom's but considering OP's mum couldn't get rid of her junk, it's highly unlikely that she would have been computer savvy (hopefully not offensive, sorry OP's mum) enough to create backups on either of these.

(Assuming she deleted the files correctly and completely. And yes people, it is possible, just very difficult.)

Files are potentially recoverable until they've been written over, and partially until many times. If it's done quickly before those areas are written over is the best chance. I suggest a professional, if you can accidentally delete wedding photos, you're probably not to be trusted to recover them. Worth the money to try. Sadly, real live doesn't work like CSI though. :(

If she has Windows 7 she can use System restore to get them back. All you need to do is right click on the folder that contained the files, (or any folder above that), and select properties, then the previous versions tab. open a date that the files were there and click and drag them back. Older Windows versions can do this with Shadow Explorer. Not sure about W8 though. PV was removed in 8.

I'd say not only does OP, but OP's family, deserves it for not even having thought of burning the photos into a CD or onto a flash driver if they were that important.

I'd pick Windows 7 over 8 anytime. OP, never ever decongest a computer that's not yours. It never has a happy ending.

Just tell her what you did and maybe it helped her computer work properly again

if my kid did that, "at least your computer works again" ain't gonna cut it.

that kinda stuff is usually recoverable. it just takes a bit of patience.

1. Perhaps you and your mother both should learn about the magic thing that is backup (external hdd, cloud whatever) 2. I hope you didn't touch the computer after you realized this and immedediately talked to a professional, because as long as you didn't overwrite the "free storage" they might still be saved

You don't need a professional, there is a program called Recuva that I have used, and several years ago I used another recovery program which allowed me to recover 200gb of data from a drive I had formatted as it had corrupted itself.

She managed to "accidentally" delete the photos, she probably shouldn't be messing around with software.

I too recommend Recuva. It requires no professional training to use.

Could always restore the computer to a time where the pictures have been saved. If not then there are always software that can bring back deleted items

System restore only restores programs that are newly installed or uninstalled, it doesn't touch files such as media or documents.

System Restore can recover deleted files, but only if there's a restore point for them. that's why creating backups and restore points is important. If there were never any restore points created, the computer would have to be reset to whenever the last major system change was made as that's usually when Windows makes them automatically.

You don't know what you are talking about.

Yes it does It puts it back to an earlier day

I hope iCloud can come into play here.. However, if worst comes to worst, she mustn't be the only person with photos of her wedding.

I can't understand how you would accidentally consider you mother's wedding photos junk.. unless you were deleting folders without checking what's inside them, in that case YFDI

Or OP just made a mistake. Some laptops have really sensitive mouses and will click things without you meaning to.

Yeah except windows asks like 5 times if you're sure you want to delete them. One misclick isn't gonna cut it here.

This doesn't warrant a ydi. If anyone deserves it the mom does for not backing up her files.

SystemofaBlink41 27
es3508 16

It looks like it's time for you to pack your bags

The way you say that they are " your mothers photos " makes it sound like the man your mother married was not your father.... So maybe you hate your stepdad??

You could be reading too much into this...sometimes a fuckup is just a fuckup.

#9. I know it's really too plain to b real but..they are OP's mother's photos. Like her personal copies. Believe it.

... Yikes. Hope she asked you to clean up her computer, otherwise it would look way worse if you took the liberty to do it on impulse and have screwed it up.

DedicatedNova 13

Just take it to a tech specialists and get it recovered.