By caliibbyy - 29/11/2010 05:03

Today, I found out my best friend has a massive head lice infestation. It wasn't until after I'd used her hairbrush to brush my hair that I figured it out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 086
You deserved it 7 250

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it makes you feel any better OP, most lice prefer to infest clean hair. Although it would have been embarrassing for your friend to give you a heads up on the lice situation (no pun intended but whatev..) she should have told you anyway. Unless she was treating the problem and thought she shouldn't bother, which means she should have bought a new brush... This is your friends fault for not telling you, and your fault for sharing personal items. I guess you need to be warned not to use peoples chap stick/lip stick/lip gloss too..

smokeymcpottt 3

Evacuate the lice! Migrate to Angelina Jolie's vag, they'll be able to live, generation after generation.


you know it's bad because he/she said "figured it out".

maybe it's crabs because it's her pubic hairbrush. what you don't have one? you can have mine. sharing is caring.

iSitt 0

shave your head. Start a fad.

youre both probably poor and therefore it was only a matter of time before you got them. learn to live with them as your friends.

24-the more I look at your picture the more I want it.

ujonesy 0

Using someone else's hair brush is disgusting. YDI.

its_callie_bitch 0

I use my besties brush but I also don't hang with discusting people either. just sayin

ujonesy 0

You might as well sleep in your "besties" used bed sheets too.. as long as you guys are sharing a hair brush and all.

I share my toothbrush. with my dog and my butt. sharing is indeed caring.

Eliseopwns 22

I don't see how it's gross. To what I understand, most people fix up their hair after a shower. Their hair should be clean by then, unless they didn't shower correctly. Which is already kinda dirty :/.

BLOOD BUDDIES! Because lice suck blood :D

nicknesser 0

At least he didn't have herpes and you used his/her toothbrush...

Why would you use some one else's tooth brush that's foul

It can't be that bad, or you wouldn't need to use her hairbrush to catch them. Every time you hug they have a chance to jump from head to head.

smokeymcpottt 3

Evacuate the lice! Migrate to Angelina Jolie's vag, they'll be able to live, generation after generation.

Those massive head lice are the worst kind.

Bethan, don't be ridiculous. It's the friend's head which is massive, not the lice. You silly, silly woman.

If it makes you feel any better OP, most lice prefer to infest clean hair. Although it would have been embarrassing for your friend to give you a heads up on the lice situation (no pun intended but whatev..) she should have told you anyway. Unless she was treating the problem and thought she shouldn't bother, which means she should have bought a new brush... This is your friends fault for not telling you, and your fault for sharing personal items. I guess you need to be warned not to use peoples chap stick/lip stick/lip gloss too..

...especially if the lipstick starts vibrating.