By Tupac - 18/10/2017 05:00

Today, I got a new title at work. My boss hyped it up and made it sound amazing, so I accepted. Come to find out it pays 20k less a year and is twice as much work. FML
I agree, your life sucks 3 566
You deserved it 1 739

Same thing different taste

Top comments

voncrane 23

Sorry you got suckered into such position. However, I still voted YDI cuz it's an internal recruitment and you should have held out till you knew all the facts. Especially the pay part.

Yeah, probably should have asked for more details. YDI.


voncrane 23

Sorry you got suckered into such position. However, I still voted YDI cuz it's an internal recruitment and you should have held out till you knew all the facts. Especially the pay part.

Yeah, probably should have asked for more details. YDI.

He was able to hype a demotion so well that you went for it? Is his degree from Trump University?

Lobby_Bee 17

Is the tittle "Senior Executive Booger Picker Upper"? If so, I understand why you didn't ask for details before switching. Just because it has "Senior" or "Executive" in the title, doesn't guarantee it's a promotion or there's a salary raise.

Mungolikecandy 19

Didn't you read the job specification before going for it?

My first question is always "HOW MUCH?" How could this happen to you?

They could create a position like “toilet manager” and expect employees not reading the job descriptions and go for that “fancy” “managerial” position. YDI

Chris_1163187222 15

Well idiot award for not looking into it goes to you, now get a loophole in the contract and bail