By nzkristy - 03/01/2010 10:59 - New Zealand

Today, I got sent home from work for appearing stoned/under the influence of drugs. I suffer from severe hay fever, which no antihistamine has fixed yet, hence the red and glassy eyes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 945
You deserved it 2 280

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Seriously, tell them it's hayfever, and they can have you tested if they want, if you're innocent? Not difficult. YDI for not standing up for yourself.

blland 0

well... now you get a day of rest. well deserved! YDI thus.


That sucks but you can always take Dayquil

they've probably tried that if they know no antihystamine works

you shouldve used the opportunity to smoked up anyway!

ohhh and follow me on Twitter @serverocks

I have more trouble believing there's a work place in Southland that would care if it's workers were stoned than I do believing they wouldn't believe you had hayfever in the middle of summer.

blland 0

well... now you get a day of rest. well deserved! YDI thus.

Seriously, tell them it's hayfever, and they can have you tested if they want, if you're innocent? Not difficult. YDI for not standing up for yourself.