By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my girlfriend of 3 years to marry me. I made brownies with walnuts and put an engagement ring into the brownie I gave her. Not only did she choke on the ring, but on the way to the emergency room, I find out she is highly allergic to walnuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 237
You deserved it 82 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha


shamerr 0

what the **** is with hiding engagement rings in food? i understand trying to be original but a possible choking hazard hardly seems worth it. just ask her like a human being and i guarantee it will still be memorable. get your goddamn life together

**** her life. Never put objects in food and how can you be dating someone for 3 years and ready to propose, but not know that she is highly allergic to walnuts? Nice try at being romantic though. Good luck making up for it.

woeisme 0

what kind of an idiot are you??? why would you put an expensive ring into a brownie??? there are better ways to propose man -___-

you tooool. i still dont understand this putting the ring in the food business.

xoGurlxo 0

aww, that seriously sucks. but shouldnt u have known her allergies by now? and 1 tip for guys about to engage a girl: NEVER PUT THE RING IN OR ON THE FOOD, UNLESS IT IS VERY NOTICABLE.

Gotta tell ya, I've been with my boyfriend for a little over 3 years too, and if he didn't know about a severe food allergy of mine, I'd never forgive him. Not to mention I *probably* wouldn't want to marry someone who weakens the gene pool with such a lack of intelligence. Ring INSIDE the food... seriously?

wow...your a ******* idiot...and this is probably fake

I haven't read the other comments but.. Why would you want to marry her, she isn't even smart enough not to eat brownies with walnuts when she knows that she is highly allergic to them! and Why do people put rings in food!?! Dumbest idea ever! And also, why is it that whenever someone DOES put a ring in food, the girl chokes on it?!! Stupid people should not breed!

cartering 0

67, thats bull My bf is allergic to dairy. he has to ask about the ingredients in every meal every time we go out to make sure that there is no dairy in it. Even ordering a steak is dangerous because many places put butter on it that you can't see after grilling it to give it added flavor. If you are really allergic to dairy, that cuts out just about everything that most people eat - most breads, cereals, sauces, pastas. You really expect us to believe your boyfriend never realized you were eating an entirely natural diet and asking for special treatment at restaurants until just now?