By Jim - 28/03/2009 01:10 - United States

Today, I decided to ask my girlfriend of 3 years to marry me. I made brownies with walnuts and put an engagement ring into the brownie I gave her. Not only did she choke on the ring, but on the way to the emergency room, I find out she is highly allergic to walnuts. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 237
You deserved it 82 596

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Together 3 years and you didn't know she was allergic to walnuts?

llSgtScopell 0

If she says "Yes" after all that she must REALLY love you. Hahaha


What is with this whole "putting engagement rings in food" thing? Haven't these people ever seen a romantic comedy? Or at least a sitcom?

drama on is like the special olympics... anyone heard that one before? haha. TBH, if this was just for the lulz or not, i think it's a good addition to fml. if you haven't noticed the trend, it goes something like this: 1] stupid shit happens or gets made up. 2] stupid shit gets posted. 3] stupid shit gets read by all of us. 4] ??? 5] Profit. And btw, I'm a girl. And I think the idea of the ring in the brownie is cute, and Jim/whoeverthefuckitis just has a girlfriend that doesn't chew her food like cartering and aaarghalex don't tell their significant others about epilepsy and weird gluten allergies. fighting online, oh well. whatever floats your boat.

ditlihi 0

Ah. A story for the grandkids.

3 years and you didn't know what she's allergic with?

notmuch 0

When do you guys learn? Never, ever, ever put an engagement ring in food! And to the girls who think it's "cute": You do know that a diamond is much harder than your teeth, right? Getting a crown is not much fun an can be close to the cost of an engagement ring.

that's b.s you definitely made that up, sorry buddy good try, but not a true story!

Clearly, you don't know your girlfriend well enough to marry her, if you don't know what her allergies are.. And why the HELL do people put engagement rings into drinks and food? WORST idea ever. Totally lame and unoriginal.

Dang did she swallow the bronie whole or something? I don't know how she couldn't have possibly noticed there were walnuts in it. Maybe she didn't know she was allergic? Who knows. I rarely eat walnuts. I don't understand why people put engagement rings in food. Then you either swallow it or have to spit it out, which is always lovely. And I'd be really pissed if I bit into it and chipped a porcelain veneer.

mon_e_mons 0

3 years and you don't know she's allergic to walnutz?

dumbbbb 0

Anyone who believes this is a complete moron - obviously fake.