By anonymous - 30/10/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, I decided to adopt a 11 year old dog that has been in need of a home for several months. Two hours after I got him home, I discovered him dead in the backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 758
You deserved it 3 987

Same thing different taste

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Thats a shame, but you should be proud of yourself for doing something like that in the first place. It shows u care for it's life, even in it's last hours.

wellinever 5

Probably small consolation, but the poor dog probably died very happy to think that he had found a new owner who loved him. Upsetting for you, but the best ending he could have wished for. When you are ready, have another go. Definitely not an FML. You should feel your life is blessed.


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perdix 29

You are starting to make me lose my will to live, too. I'm leaving before I end up like that poor dog.

Well, perhaps everyone is correct and you gave that poor dog on it's last leg a nice new home so it could die in comfort and happiness knowing someone cared for it. Or perhaps it just gave up wanting to live after being tossed out like refuse after 11 ******* years of loving ownership. I hate assholes who get pets and then ditch the responsibility when it suits them. maybe i am just being pessimistic. good on you for adopting the old fellow though... at least you cared.

u shouldve adopt bit young dog, what's the age avarage age of dog?

pancakes_n_syrup 0

After looking at your terribly grammatically incorrect sentence, I figured out you were asking the average age of a dog. Every breed of dog lives different spans..11 is old, but it could've lived to be 18. The reason dogs everywhere are getting put to sleep is because people keep adopting "younger dogs" thinking the old ones are washed up. I adopted my 2nd dog when she was 6 and I have to say, at 8 she is still keeping up with the young ones and has just as much energy. There's no difference.

i must admit, i've always adopted younger dogs. not puppies, though. i adopted the dog i have now when he was about a year old. but i fell in love with him the moment i walked into the SPCA. if he had been older, i would've still adopted him. maybe that's the case with the OP. maybe she really loved that dog from the moment she saw him, which is why she decided to adopt him regardless of his age. f her life because the dog died, which is always painful. but she should be proud of herself for giving that dog a chance to have a home. not many people want older dogs these days, but they need love and care just the same as younger dogs.

replaceme 0

Aww I'm so sorry sweetheart :( FYL!

at least he finally had a home in the last few moments of his life... poor thing :(

OP, you are a good person. It takes a very special kind of person to adopt an older dog, and at least he had a home for his last hours. Please don't let this discourage you from adopting another older dog. If there were a god, I would say "Bless you". Most of the shit I read on the internet makes me hate mankind. Thanks for helping to restore my faith a little.

good 4 you for adopting an older dog, too many people think they can handle puppies and they just end up giving them away hope you find a new dog that will give you joy :)