By mynameislor - 09/02/2010 14:26 - Canada

Today, my mum was saying she needs to gain weight because she was underweight according to her doctor. She then said she's going to eat like me in order to gain more weight. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 237
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Have some pride, (grow a backbone :/), it's just how you are. Don't be ashamed, if you are, just change. (:

once again a girl taking somthing in the wrong context, did she callu fat?? I didn't see it, she just implied u rather eat alot or eat unhealthy learn to hear and don't always asume peopleean something other than what they actually say. it will make life alot easier.


Have some pride, (grow a backbone :/), it's just how you are. Don't be ashamed, if you are, just change. (:

cucuto89 0

Today, my mother made a joke at my expense. FML

once again a girl taking somthing in the wrong context, did she callu fat?? I didn't see it, she just implied u rather eat alot or eat unhealthy learn to hear and don't always asume peopleean something other than what they actually say. it will make life alot easier.

UziTopete 0

"today my mum told me I'm fat.. and I am :.(" (boo hoo hoo!)

AngryNinja 1

hm. tell her you made a shitload of cash on the corner this weekend by acting like her. and then say 'thanks for the great role-modeling!'

pongmaster 0

that means you have a new eating buddy! hooray!

whitley1031 0

Don't take it as an insult; I eat TONS of food, but i burn calories like crazy, so I stay fairly skinny and in shape. If you're not fat, it means ur burning enough calories to be healthy. If you're fat, on the other hand, FYL

dtang 0

Well if your a teenage guy then it really doesn't matter because us guys eat a ton. But If your a girl... I'm sorry... mabye she was joking?

MrsFunsize 0

Honestly it's a shame wen ur own mom is thinner than u... Maybe u should consider cutting back on the bad stuff, after all summer will be coming up soon and it'll be time to pull out the mini skirts

boatkicker 4

Why should it be different if she's a girl, dtang? Plenty of girls eat just as much as the stereotypical teenage boy, and do so without getting fat. That's the real concern here. Is she overweight, or does she just think she is? I'm betting, based on the wording of the FML, that she never thought she was fat until her mom made the comment. Anyway, a girl should not feel shame for eating a lot. Even if it makes her fat, the biggest concern should be her health, which may be perfectly fine, even if she's fat. I know that's not how it works; I know that if OP actually is overweight, it sucks to be insulted for it. But if OP isn't, she CERTAINLY shouldn't be offended because she eats a lot.

Mini skirts? I wouldn't be caught dead in one.

nice try, but everyone knows teenage boys (and men in general) have to eat more than women to remain healthy. look it up.

boatkicker 4

I didn't say girls have to eat as much I said that we often do, and that its nothing to be ashamed of.

yeah and shit some people can eat whatever they want and stay the same weight and others cant

Ajjas013 6

Yes they do! They eat the limbs of those fallen in the battles before them. And they eat COOKIE DOUGH ICE CREAM >:D

how is this a fml?? ppl cum in different shapes and sizes!! my mum wants to loose weight should I post a fml saying she wants to eat like me?

zuuzuu, people certainly do cum in different sizes. how do you like to cum?

Ajjas013 6

Your mum wants loose weight? So when she jumps around her fat and extra skin will flop around everywhere and smack into surrounding citizens who in turn get blinded and fly backwards into buildings and then all hell breaks loose?

AngryNinja 1

cumplete failure. it's come, unless you actually /mean/ cum..

Tell her all you really want to eat is BRAAAAINS.

Ajjas013 6
onceuponapenis 0

and pussy, why does no one mention eating pussy, it's the most delectable of all the food groups :D

She wasn't necessarily calling you overweight. Younger people have higher metabolisms and can eat a lot without getting fat. Your mom can eat like you, while you stay thin and she gains weight. Quit looking for something to bitch about.

Some people have fast metabolisms. I have friends who are skinny as a rail and eat everything in site. This is only an insult if you're overweight, otherwise it's just pointing out how much you eat.

insult to injury.? is that how it goes.? either way, what a effing mean ass.!

mattcole.. if u read my comment u would know how I cum..

tell her u smoke weed occasionally and it's the best way to gain weight !!!

I know. I was joking about the double meaning of "cum"

I thought it was only a double meaning if they were spelled the same.