By anonymous - 30/10/2009 07:45 - United States

Today, I decided to adopt a 11 year old dog that has been in need of a home for several months. Two hours after I got him home, I discovered him dead in the backyard. FML
I agree, your life sucks 44 758
You deserved it 3 987

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats a shame, but you should be proud of yourself for doing something like that in the first place. It shows u care for it's life, even in it's last hours.

wellinever 5

Probably small consolation, but the poor dog probably died very happy to think that he had found a new owner who loved him. Upsetting for you, but the best ending he could have wished for. When you are ready, have another go. Definitely not an FML. You should feel your life is blessed.


rachljam83 0

Ok that's very sad the dog dies but at least he got to die in dignity knowing he was loved and stuff. That is a sweet thing

aww im sorry for your loss, atleast it died at a home & not in a shelter....-sigh- now im sad..

winner0416 0

Whoever the hell click YDI u guys are motherf*ckers

Dogs don't live very long, why did you adopt one on the edge on dying?

Well he spent the last two hours of His life in a loving home, that should count for something!!

xxJonaKillsxx 8

Can you not be so cavalier? Not everyone can just rush out and get another dog. For some people (your truly included) it feels too much like you're trying to replace your dog. After my dog died, it took us over a year to get another one, and after my cat died, we didn't adopt another cat for two years (although we already had another cat). Even so, my new cat and dog can in no way replace my old ones (although I sometimes wonder if my kitten is a reincarnation of my old cat because she's so similar to him in a lot of regards). They occupy their own spaces in my hearts, and my deceased pets still occupy their own places.