Poor good boy

By Anonymous - 27/09/2009 20:54 - United Kingdom

Today, my dog died. I spent ages digging him a grave and buried him in the garden so that my dad wouldn't have to deal with the stress when he got home from work. When my dad got home he told me that he had wanted the dog to be cremated. I have just had to dig up my dog's body. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 225
You deserved it 5 200

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Thats horrible. How could your father make you do that? I would've told him that your dog should just stay buried. I'm sorry you lost him.

Shit--HE is the one wants the cremation, let HIM go dig him up.


Sing_Along 7

if he wants the dog cremated, tell him to dig it out himself!

There is no you. There is no me. There is no FMyLife. There is no existence. There is nothing.

Thats horrible. How could your father make you do that? I would've told him that your dog should just stay buried. I'm sorry you lost him.

bboyp3nguin 0
robotiick 12

hey a family member died and yes I count dogs as family members

rampersaud 10

Yeah, if you have to do that I'm going to say the exact same thing to you.

His dog died, you insensitive piece of shit. How would you feel if you had to dig your best friend's grave twice?

Atleast he didn't freak out... Right?

Also, #1 is a twatwaffle Your dad probably made you unbury the dog because he wanted sum good canine eatin'

Just think, you get to see your dog one more time.

Chaosdude4 0

so wrong, but... i can't help but laugh. GOD i feel guilty for it...

awww.. well once i accidently dug up my dead rabbits tibia ( i thought the rabbit was ganna haunt me ) .. if that makes you feel better.........................