By Anonymous - 11/08/2018 22:00

Today, I found out that being the "bull" of a cuckold relationship is not as good as it looks to be. She is pregnant and now the couple, despite earning triple figures, is suing me for child support. I'm in college. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 985
You deserved it 4 138

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Busymomma12 6

that's why you wrap it up. every time.

Hope it was fun while it lasted, but you were always on the outside on that dynamic. Push for a paternity test, if you haven't already. If the baby is yours, your college fun is over unless you can work your tail off.


Busymomma12 6

that's why you wrap it up. every time.

Ronald0930 6

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Yeah, all you have to do is email everyone saying that you're a Nigerian prince.

You do understand that “three figures” is at least $100,000 right? So yeah, it does kinda take a lot…

PenguinPal3017 19

Six figures is 100,000 to 999,999. It's called six figures because the number has six figures. The more you know!

100 000 is a six figure income. 100 is three

No, triple figures is 100 to 999. 100,000 is six figures, so it doesn't take a lot to earn triple figures

boopingsnoot 24

So, OP is kinda stupid. We already knew that.

Hope it was fun while it lasted, but you were always on the outside on that dynamic. Push for a paternity test, if you haven't already. If the baby is yours, your college fun is over unless you can work your tail off.

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hades5000 7

In a cuckold relationship all parties know it's happening and are ok with it. He's not cheating or anything.

Catto-Golden 23

A "cuckold" relationship means the guy gets off on watching his girl with another man. The husband was cool with it

A consensual (which we have no reason to believe this isn't) cuckold relationship is by definition an open relationship.

Their fantasy might become your nightmare.

Do you prefer "Dad", "Pops", "Papa", "Pa", the more formal "Father", or the really formal "Pater"?

Well that doesn't seem very fair. Though if you were playing with pregnancy risk, this is the sort of thing you should have discussed ahead of time.

Get a paternity test. Plus, if she earns more than you she can’t sue for child support if you get joint custody, quite the opposite.

PenguinPal3017 19

Triple figures? Wow! That's up to (and including) $999 a year! How do I get a job like that?

When people talk about figures they mean thousands. It is not literal. When somebody says they have a 3 figure income they mean over 100,000$ Probably that is what I assume OP meant at least.

Um no. If people talk about thousands it's "six figure" why would you ever use "triple figures" for that? It's mathematically incorrect and doesn't even make sense in the slightest.

Sue for joint custody. Or full Custody, then she'll have to pay you

hopefully whatever the decision, it will be in the best interests of the child.