By jemila - 01/06/2012 01:14 - United States

Today, I couldn't find my hairbrush anywhere; I ended up having to brush my hair with a fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 160
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Queen_of_Night 20

Please tell me you sang. "Part of your World", while you did that.

i only have one brush too:P misplacing it is a bitch, and using my fingers doesnt cut it..its just knots it more. i had to use an eyebrow comb worked, just took 4 times as long haha

BlackBlazeCobra 16

Dinglehoppers are quite useful.

You never heard of a ponytail? You don't really have to brush your hair for that..

Seriously? This is your "FML" ?.. I wonder what you'll do when something actually worth mentioning happens to you. No wait, I'm not wondering, seeing I can already say what exact steps you'll take. Step 1: take a picture. Step 2: Whine about it on facebook. Step 3: Twitter about it. Step 4: post another FML. Step 5 (if you manage to live this long) go to the hospital. YDI.

You must be new here. Welcome. |the kid|

You must be a guy. If you were a girl you'd know that losing your hair brush is one of the most annoying things that could happen...especially when you wake up and your hair looks like medusa!

This person could have very long hair that tangles easily. Losing your hairbrush is a big deal when your hair is like that.

114 & 122 -- I lived in a house full of women, so I'm pretty sure I have a rudimentary grasp on a woman's need to have a decent hairbrush and/or comb. In any case, you're missing my point here -- FML is a site specifically formulated to bitch. Therefore, someone showing up to complain that an FML is unworthy is completely inane. I'm actually disagreeing with 70. If your comments were not directed at me, then disregard. |the kid|

ChickInGreenVans 12

Ohmg! I've done that!!! Doesn't work does it?

First thing I thought of, like so many others, a Dinglehopper :D