The old bait and switch

By Duped - 27/08/2021 14:01

Today, I bought a Playstation 5 on OfferUp. Upon taking the PS5 home, I opened the box and in its place were some dirty old shoes. The seller had also erased all her info from her OfferUp account and replies an obviously fake, "Automatic: The user is no longer available" message when I try to reach her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 396
You deserved it 1 090

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why didn't you open the box and look at it...used items are usually damaged so always inspect

YDI. I have never been scammed like that, because when I am purchasing something from someone else, I insist that I see it works, then see it packed up in its box (if they have the box). If they refuse to allow me to see it working or look inside the box prior to leaving, I leave.


why didn't you open the box and look at it...used items are usually damaged so always inspect

Screenshot, document and contact your credit card company and file a dispute.

YDI. I have never been scammed like that, because when I am purchasing something from someone else, I insist that I see it works, then see it packed up in its box (if they have the box). If they refuse to allow me to see it working or look inside the box prior to leaving, I leave.

Wow, you hit the lottery! Put those dirty women's shoes up for sale on a foot fetish site. I've seen some offer hundreds of dollars for dirty women's socks -- dirty shoes must bring in thousands!

randybryant799 20

You didn't think to check the items condition before you forked over the money? She definitely saw you coming.