By jemila - 01/06/2012 01:14 - United States

Today, I couldn't find my hairbrush anywhere; I ended up having to brush my hair with a fork. FML
I agree, your life sucks 24 160
You deserved it 7 425

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Unbweavable 17

.....why do you only have one brush in your household?

AJRand 14

They could be the only girl.

Unbweavable 17

I'm the only girl & I have 3brushes & a pack of about 9 combs

Redneck1303 5
soccergurrll 8

Awe! How Little Mermaid of you! Rock on dinglehoppers!

I'm so happy that others are like it's a dinglehopper....

brookayyy 0

Commend you for brushing your hair. No matter how stupid you looked while doing it at least you got the job done.