By pkstarstorm - 14/07/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I came out to my dad. He called me weak minded and said that he has never been more disappointed in me. I didn't come out as gay. I came out as a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 20 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments


The only thing that's wrong about vegetarianism (as evidenced by this entire wall) is that it turns you into a preachy, self-righteous asshole. I never met a vegetarian who didn't talk about it incessantly and use it as a barometer of how erudite people were. They never say "I'll have the mushroom onion soup and the ravioli"; they say "I'll have the mushroom onion soup and the ravioli BECAUSE I'M A VEGETARIAN." It's not that important that we all need to know; it's a life choice, not a handicap. I would understand if someone with Celiac's or Diabetes or even a milk allergy brought it up, but otherwise there's no need to talk about your food like it's politics.

dyingstart 0

Vegetarianism is only unhealthy if you have a poor diet. Do you think eating junk food all the time will keep you healthy? Of course not. This is a mistake a lot of vegetarians make. It's crucial to find protein replacements. Once you get the hang of it and decide whether this lifestyle is right for you, it's really not that difficult to keep up with.

dyingstart 0

*waves hand* I usually don't broadcast my vegetarianism unless a friend offers me meat. In that case, I graciously decline and tell them I'll have a side meal instead. At restaurants, I'll order something without meat and not make a big deal about it. "I'll take a Cesar salad." "Would you like chicken on that" "No, thank you". Problem solved. But yes, I have to agree with you. Most vegetarians I've met advertise it like brand name fashion. For the record, this behavior is EXACTLY the reason I don't tell people I'm a vegetarian without being asked. So what, it's what I decide to eat. It's what makes me happy. Looks like I may be a rare breed. *gasp* I don't like being a preachy asshole

Like the person above me said, I don't broadcast my vegetarianism to the world. If I go out to eat, I just order my item and request no meat in it. And I also do not tell people that I am a vegetarian unless they ask me.

theswarm666x 1

The one thing that pisses me off is the classification of "being a vegetarian" if i don't like tacos am i an anti-tacoinarian or something. why do you need to classify it like that. can't you just live your life as "hey i just don't like that"? when i go out to eat i choose food i like to eat. when i eat at home i eat food that i like. i never want to put a label on myself. now that you are a vegetarian and you want to try some turkey you'll say "well i can't... i'm a vegetarian" just live a life eating what you want and not label it. you just greatly prefer non-meat food. leave it as that. unless you are just trying to be "ironic" and try to be "cool" for being a vegetarian or something.

theswarm666x 1

ps: please don't turn into those psycho vegetarians and try to force you choice on friends and worst of all pets.

that's what you get ******, well at least your not a veagen or how ever those ******* flamers spell it

you: "dad? i have something to tell you. this has been pent up inside of me for a long time. it's really hard to figure out a way to put this into words, but here goes: boo meat hooray vegetables." dad: "WUT? NO ****** SON OF MINE ISN'T NOT NEVER EATIN MEAT UNDER MY ROOF" [slap punch backhand]

YDI for being a vegetarian :) Haha. JK! Kind of... not really. Its your choice, not mine! I'm going to continue eating as much meat as possible :P.

tonyspag 0

Where do you live Texas (or any other meat or beef dominated place)?

rene22 18

Now that the OP stopped eating meat there's more for us