By pkstarstorm - 14/07/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I came out to my dad. He called me weak minded and said that he has never been more disappointed in me. I didn't come out as gay. I came out as a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 055
You deserved it 20 080

Same thing different taste

Top comments


K66J 0

Yup, YDI. Even fags eat meat.

Vegetarianism is just a stepping stone to the land of man meat.

That sucks. I'm a vegetarian too and I can relate. Get ready for a shit load of teasing for no reason. But then you have your morals to back you up :)

kyasariin 0

YDI for being a vegetarian. Such a stupid choice. You're not saving any fkn cows.

When you play EarthBound, what do you put as your favourite food?

ashole1990 10

vegetarians ftw ive been one for over two years. its not that hard

Scorponok 0

Why would you come out to your dad for that? He's right, you are weak minded.

**** being a vegetarian for dietary reasons or for animal rights, I'm one because I don't like how meat tastes. : Who cares what people eat on their own time?

Some people are so ignorant... My parents were the same at first. I started being vegetarian at age nine and they fought me the whole way, forcing me to eat meat a few times a year and claiming I would be malnourished, until I was 15. I have been vegetarian since then. I get regularly blood tested and have healthy levels of protein, iron, & calcium. I don't see how being vegetarian can make someone a "pussy" since making the decision not to eat meat saves animal lives and is a much healthier choice in terms of fat and cholesterol, as long as it is done correctly. Sure, humans are omnivores, but that means we eat plants AND animals, so in an educated society, if you so choose, and you pay attention to nutrition, you can omit the latter and still be perfectly healthy. Vegetarianism is a lifestyle choice, just like anything else, so you have no right to insult someone for it. My boyfriend's favorite food is steak, and that doesn't bother me. He respects my choice and I respect his. It's as simple as that. There are many benefits to being vegetarian, but for those of you too ignorant to be correctly informed about them, stop making assumptions. To the original poster, props for supporting your choice to your father despite how difficult it may be. Good luck. :]