By pkstarstorm - 14/07/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I came out to my dad. He called me weak minded and said that he has never been more disappointed in me. I didn't come out as gay. I came out as a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 056
You deserved it 20 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


Dasher42 0

Wow, that really sucks for you. Far as I'm concerned, you're the one doing the right thing for the planet. My Mennonite relatives have had "More With Less" cookbooks for a while because eating a smart vegetarian diet requires drastically less farming. There's no way this planet can handle 6 billion human carnivores. There's never been this many humans in the world before - so disregard any "We've always eaten meat" arguments that don't account for that. Keep cool, stick to your guns, and explain yourself calmly. You'll deserve all kinds of respect, including your dad's.

hahahah! my dad gets mad at the fact that i simply don't enjoy eating meat, even though i do actually eat fish , shell fish, and chicken on a daily basis

shanedawsonfan 0

There is nothing wrong with that. 0-0

lol, whats he gonna say when you tell him you're gay?

When I said to my dad I was a vegaterian he called me a ******* puff and laughed at me =

sunkissdluster 0

As a vegan, I believe your decision to be vegetarian is the FURTHEST thing from being weak-minded! If most people actually researched how animals are treated in the industry, everyone would be vegetarian. I would encourage your dad to get educated before throwing around names.

boilerup 0

Major props on going veg. The single greatest thing a person can do to help the environment is going vegetarian.. Ignoring all the bias about vegetarians, it's true. I don't know why meat eaters get so offended by vegetarians not wanting to eat meat. I'm not a pushy vegetarian at all, but I have meaty friends that keep pushing it on me to have a burger, etc. It's very rude. Can't we all live and let live?!

Alw918 0

Being a vegetarian does not make you a wimp, hippie, or less of a "man." It does, however, make you much less likely to suffer from heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity... the list goes on. Want proof? Read the China Study. That being said, it is your prerogative what you do about your own health. I say props to anyone who has the commitment to go vegetarian.