Not the best reaction

By Mark - 31/08/2021 15:01

Today, I came out as gay to my dad on Whatsapp. The only thing he replied was, "I'll ever talk to you again when you stop being a pussy." He then blocked me from everywhere. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 094
You deserved it 235

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cut that man out your life forever. Don't even consider him your father no longer. He indirectly disowned you just by that reply. Now it's time you remove him completely out your life forever, move on and live your best life without any homophobes ruining it.


Important news you tell people face to face, or at least on the phone person to person. While none of us can guarantee how Dad would have reacted if he got the news more personally, this really wasn’t the best way to break the news to Dad. That makes it a double issue - What he was told and how he was told the information. Give Dad a little time to digest the news. It’s not easy to suddenly discover your son isn’t exactly the person you imagined they are. But eventually Dad should realize that you are still the same person he always loved and that you are now just more authentic to yourself. Next time you talk to dad make it face to face or at least on the phone person to person. Dad will still take some time to readjust, but there is a better chance if the interaction is more personal.

So you want OP to painfully wait for a retraction, that most likely isn't going to happen, after his dad's first response was of such hateful manner? You want OP to have a relationship with his dad while having to hold on to the painful memory of his dad's rude comments? You're spewing utter bullshit. First, OP can break news of his own personal life however he chooses. Secondly, you're telling OP to practice denial by believing in a false sense of possible acceptance (that most likely won't happen) and to hold on to a hateful toxic person. No thank you, sir. Tsk tsk.

Its also the fathers right to be accepted in his reaction to being told over an app and not face to face. If the OP was scared to tell him for physical retaliation then his need to know was never a NEED to know. There is a reason to tell people you want to have in your life the truth about yourself, don't disrespect them by being a coward and telling them on a very impersonal app

Cut that man out your life forever. Don't even consider him your father no longer. He indirectly disowned you just by that reply. Now it's time you remove him completely out your life forever, move on and live your best life without any homophobes ruining it.

I think you are jumping to the conclusion that Dad is incapable of adjusting to this. Close family deserve a second chance at least. If Dad ultimately continues to be unaccepting and homophobic then your advice is good. But the relationship may be salvageable. I really think OP did a disservice to himself and his family by choosing such an impersonal way to communicate such a personal issue. I understand that there are families who react with violence, and if that might be the case, a phone call is a better option.

No, sir. You're full of it! If that regardless of how OP broke the news, his dad showed his true colors on his first reaction. If it was so easy to respond back, in that manner, that's how he will always feel. You're full on crap on this one.

Major Ahull 3

Better than him finding you on Grindr.

Well, wouldn't be the first homophobic jerk who got caught with his pants down while having a very manly company...

DarkJester200278 1

Even better than matching with him on Grindr