By meunluckycharms - 14/09/2015 19:54 - Canada - Toronto

Today, I brought a boy home for the first time, only to have my dad ask him what his mother's maiden name was. When he answered, my dad exclaimed, "Oh yeah! I think I dated her in high school. I could be your father!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 671
You deserved it 1 849

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Definitely seems like your father wanted to embarrass you from the start. Why ask out of nowhere for the mother's maiden name? Lol

Oh my god, OP I am so sorry. That makes for an awkward situation, but (hopefully) your father was just joking


That is utterly embarrassing. Well, hopefully he's joking around.

Oh my god, OP I am so sorry. That makes for an awkward situation, but (hopefully) your father was just joking

we need to know if the boy op brought home was indeed their brother.

Definitely seems like your father wanted to embarrass you from the start. Why ask out of nowhere for the mother's maiden name? Lol

I work behind a bar more than 50 miles away from my hometown and where my mother has lived all her life but I get asked who my mum is because they think I'm someone else so I'm guessing OPs dad saw a similarity. Kind of hoping that they were talking before hand though because that question asked outright is a tad strange!

Need more info, but your father seems like an ass

Redgy22 26

better than cleaning a gun in front of the date! props to your dad! But sorry, op.

Wow, think your dad just may have just found the ultimate way to ruin sex

this is ..AWESOME. so glad my father is late to this game. but holy hell is that a good one.

The boy should ask his mother whether she knows your dad from high school if she doesn't your father is probably lying.

When faced with the possibility of incest you always check ALWAYS.

He probably thought cleaning the ol' shotgun was too heavy-handed a way to break you two up and keep his baby safe. Apologies OP; this is utterly mortifying.