Thanks, I hate it!

By Anja - 03/02/2021 03:30

Today, I was having a horrible day and messaged a friend to vent. She replied with, "Eat a cookie" and proceeded to send me a picture with a "motivational" quote from her buddhistic spiritual leader. FML
I agree, your life sucks 684
You deserved it 252

Same thing different taste

Top comments


What "motivational quote" could be more uplifting than "eat a cookie?" It was probably anticlimactic. Mmmmm, cookies.

diraven 15

Is her teacher fuzzy and blue?

mando 10

Maybe your friend doesn't know what is positive or negative at this moment for you. If she's real she will refrain untill she knows how to properly respond.

OrySoma 11

hey atleast they tried you dick

your friend was trying to distract you to help you with your stress it's actually a tactic used in psychology eating of sweets gives you a moment to relax and forget about the stress thus helping you de-stress my favorite is cheesecake helps chill me out every time

Yummi_913 18

Doesn't this lead to forming a bad habit of stress eating?

Ya I guess it could if you're not careful about it, I used it as a once a week kind of thing but I see what your getting at

ghostinflames 13

Stay calm, you'll get through your troubles. At least your friend is trying.

Yummi_913 18

They don't seem to give a damn and gave you the bare minimum just to claim they "tried to help". I suggest the next time they come to you hurt over something just tell them "eat a cookie" and leave it at that. It's the type of "friendship" they want right?

I guess I should give some clarification to what I meant once a week I would reward myself with a treat thus helping myself be distracted and de-stressed but of course this could lead to stress eating if you do it daily