By pkstarstorm - 14/07/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I came out to my dad. He called me weak minded and said that he has never been more disappointed in me. I didn't come out as gay. I came out as a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 056
You deserved it 20 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


mrdecay 3

"If god didn't want us to eat animals, who wouldn't have made them out of food."

Go hug a tree and then EAT IT. In the meantime I'm going to eat more meat to make up for what you're missing out.

italiatinkerbell 0

what the **** is wrong with being gay?? homophobic asshole.

Sweet baby jesus. You're all arguing about what people eat. ... Looking at world cultures, it's pretty obvious that carnivorous, herbivorous, omnivorous, insectivorous, goddamn-anything-with-nutrient-ivorous people will be FINE. Chill, people. There's no puppy kicking involved. Can't say about cannabalism though. They seem to survive well enough.

Sorry, but your dad sounds like a jerk. And all these people yelling at vegetarians, why do you care? I've been vegetarian for six years and I don't hate people who eat meat, I disagree with them. Learn the difference, assholes.

You're dad's not only a jerk, but also an idiot. Vegetarians are NOT weak-minded... They're strong enough to stand up for what they believe in and stop eating something that is so widely spread... I mean, there's almost NO restaurant where you CAN'T get meat and most people have meat in pretty much every meal. I know how hard it is to be vegetarian, I've tried but only lasted a week before I just started eating meat again.

Why would you have to "come out" if all you want to be is a vegetarian, why is this an fml?