By pkstarstorm - 14/07/2009 06:58 - United States

Today, I came out to my dad. He called me weak minded and said that he has never been more disappointed in me. I didn't come out as gay. I came out as a vegetarian. FML
I agree, your life sucks 53 056
You deserved it 20 081

Same thing different taste

Top comments


richboii 0

you are weak minded i just hate vegitarians it doesnt make a huge difference it just means the cut of meat you didnt buy will be sold to someone else or go bad but hey at least your missing essential proteins because all you wanna eat are plants

somehow i dont believe that and meat is very important your dads right

That sucks. But on the bright side, no one ever said you have to give a shit about what your dad thinks of your health choices. Personally, I don't understand why a lot of people look down on vegetarians. Unless they're the people that become vegetarians just so they can have a sense of self-righteousness. But I've totally been where you are now. Every Christmas and Thanksgiving my family gives me crap about not eating the turkey or ham or whatever. Honestly, I don't see why it bothers them so much. I mean, I don't continuously ask them why they DO eat meat.

so your saying it wouldve been okay for him to react if you'd been coming out as gay? thats really offending.

I think vegetarians are stronger than us meat lovers. No idea how anyone can resist barbecue meat. Haha.

lolhahafml 0
froggeh 4

I'm a vegetarian for almost four years :)

Op I would have sympathy for you but the way you posted, it appears that it would be more ok for your dad to have acted that way if you came out to be gay. Acting like that is stupid no matter what the situation is

IloveSeven95 2

Those of you who claim vegetarians have to take supplements to stay alive, are wrong. I've been a healthy vegetarian for 6 years.