By person - 10/06/2009 11:03 - United States

Today, I busted my ass to help this old lady move her stuff because she was going to a nursing home. I was told I would get paid. When I finished four hours later the lady took me to a room and told me to pick out anything in her little goody bag. I got a race car as payment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 374
You deserved it 9 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And there was absolutely no way you could turn this story to attract girls?


thuryn 2

#164 / naysay: That's *recursively* stupid. "Payed" is not really an acceptable spelling. Even if you find it in the dictionary, that doesn't make it correct usage. Example 1: If you put "definition payed" into Google, it asks you, "Did you mean 'paid'?" Example 2: If you look up "pay" on FreeDictionary, it specifically lists PAID as the correct spelling of the past participle of PAY *in this context*. "Payed" is only correct in a different usage (letting out line or cable). "Payed" can also mean "to coat or cover." It is incorrect to use "payed" when talking about money. Example 3: The site maintainers agree, because the OP has been corrected to show PAID. So I say again: Stop defending a mistake. It's stupid on top of stupid.

#164: bahaha, the grammar nazis got so bad in derailing this FML's comments that admins had to step in. awesome.

thuryn 2

Bah. It's not as if FML comments have a track they're supposed to follow in the first place. They're mostly Internet noise of near random content and value anyway. But the rules for moderating FMLs say not to approve FMLs with spelling/grammar errors or with TXT-speak, so it's not unusual for the admins to fix the OP. "All of this has happened before, and will happen again."

dayslikethis1 0

Have you seen the movie "Yes Man"? It could be worse.

naysay91 0

Thuryn, this is my last comment to you. Get a life you old idiot. I didn't defend a mistake. It's been determined that you're an epic dumb ass, I never said that 'payed' was correct. You're trying to insult my intelligence and I have an I.Q. of 180, so that's not going to work. You're just an idiot who needs to learn to process what you read.

thuryn 2

#169 / naysay91: If you're so smart, then you know that Intelligence Quotients are dubious measurements of intelligence at best, and they are no gauge of judgement or wisdom at all. The fact that you have resorted to touting your test scores and calling me names only shows that you are well aware of the fact that you have been proven to be an idiot and you're upset about it. Not my problem. Also, you're a liar. In comment 127 you specifically say that "payed" and "paid" have the same definitions when, in fact, they don't. I pointed this out, and now you're all pissy. So call me names all you want. It doesn't make you any smarter.

You should have just helped her and not expected anything.

unflawless_fml 0

why do u even need to be paid for something that should be charity?

she told you that you would get paid so you would help her, because she probabally knew you wouldnt otherwise. then she tried to be nice by offering you a race car because perhaps she didnt have any money to pay you. and you are bitching about it. for shame.

Well, you could have walked in for payment and she had her clothes off! Haha, now that would have sucked.