By anonymous - 20/06/2013 01:09 - United States - Houston

Today, I helped an elderly lady put a bookshelf in her car. She then thanked me by hitting me with her car as she drove out of the parking lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 273
You deserved it 3 086

Same thing different taste

Top comments

something always goes wrong when the elderly are involved!

Soniye 14

Okay seriously STOP trusting the elderly!! Lmfao I see they have striked again..


something always goes wrong when the elderly are involved!

No good deed goes unpunished with those elderly

BryanVilla 2

The elderly are getting out of control these days. Seriously if an elderly person asks you for help, you say no.

RainbowInput 8

*Insert crazy elderly conspiracy theory here*

"Is that a Chevy 69?" How bizarre, how bizarre" "Every time I look around, it's in my face" :P

Soniye 14

Okay seriously STOP trusting the elderly!! Lmfao I see they have striked again..

Soniye 14

Lol wasn't long for the grammar cat to start correcting.

dyehardxen 19

OP Might not have had a choice. Part of my job is to push carts back indoors and help people with their purchases. It is a valid concern as people tend to not pay attention while they're in parking lots

Ouch! I hope you're okay. It sounds like an accident. Plus, at least you did a good deed and can feel very good about yourself!

Nothing says thank you like some bruised ribs!

zen1979 16

And they say the elderly can't drive...

PimpdaddyCJT 13

Elderly people have strange ways. Maybe in her bingo tribe that is the way of thanks.

Bingo "tribe." I pictured a bunch of old people playing bingo while wearing Native American head dress. Made me chuckle

PimpdaddyCJT 13

This was my thoughts exactly.

Got her shit in the car and booked it...