Helicopter Karen

By Anonymous - 02/04/2022 22:00

Today, the mother of my most boneheaded student got upset when her “precious baby” miserably failed my class. She then threatened to accuse me of failing him due to racism, because I’m black, somehow overlooking the giant camera on the ceiling I installed for my own safety. I hate my job. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 117
You deserved it 103

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's sad how much one shit student ruins the teaching experience. It's out of proportion!

She tried the Reverse UNO racism card on you?!


It's sad how much one shit student ruins the teaching experience. It's out of proportion!

Sounds terrible, racism is destroying our country on so many levels. Not saying you are, just being falsely accused is a rotten experience as well that you shouldn't have to deal with. Teachers already have it hard enough!!! What does the camera have to do with if you are racist or not though?

She tried the Reverse UNO racism card on you?!