By older - 10/06/2009 08:18 - United States

Today, I was walking downtown. I'm 57 years old, and I'm pretty well along in terms of hair loss. On top of that, I recently hurt my left leg and am walking with a crutch. I passed two teenagers, who were looking at me, and I overheard, "Yeah, I agree. I'm much more scared of aging than death." FML
I agree, your life sucks 50 902
You deserved it 2 808

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kill them, they're not scared of death anymore :')

Wow those kids are stupid. I can't say that I've never thought this inside my head before though. I hate getting older.


Ouch. Don't they know you're always supposed to wait till the oldie is out of earshot to say that?

Wow those kids are stupid. I can't say that I've never thought this inside my head before though. I hate getting older.

I always thought being older was better, after all, you get to tell your kids that back in our days, we played video games on a screen, and they'll be all like woahhhh.

fyl4sure 0

Lol @ 2 And that sucks. Stupid teenagers these days. I mean u cant blame them they are stupid and rude. But hey im 14 and i would never say that.

MeMeMe123455 0

Yeaah, I'm 25 and just found my first gray hairs, but I think it's highly preferable to being dead. Those kids were just stupid and they're likely at the age where they're trying to impress each other with their immense intellectual "depth." Just ignore them, they don't know anything and are likely not comfortable with themselves yet the way someone in their 40's and 50's should be. :)

AA357 0

They were trying to impress each other with their 'immense intellectual depth'? They were obviously just talking, and how is remarking that being old is worse than death even showing intellect?

Jennydew 0