By person - 10/06/2009 11:03 - United States

Today, I busted my ass to help this old lady move her stuff because she was going to a nursing home. I was told I would get paid. When I finished four hours later the lady took me to a room and told me to pick out anything in her little goody bag. I got a race car as payment. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 374
You deserved it 9 522

Same thing different taste

Top comments

And there was absolutely no way you could turn this story to attract girls?


GeneralBE 0

the old lady is probably reading this post laughing her arse off because she had a $50 in her pocket but knew you couldn't ask argue with an old lady for money. (at least that's the entertaining version)

Manpersonguythin 0

LUCKY! That is ******* SWEET

It would be different if she hadn't said he'd get paid, and THEN he expected something... but if he was told he was going to be paid, then he should have been. Its a principle thing.

thuryn 2

#155 / GeneralBE: Here's another version that made me laugh when I thought of it. Cue "Billy Madison" with the old lady playing the part of Steve Buscemi's character. She hobbles over to a list of names marked "People to Kill" and mutters to herself, "Well, he was a nice boy after all!" and crosses his name off before opening a cupboard and letting out 30 cats and loving on them in vaguely disturbing ways. ^_^

rachelbrianna25 0

woah that sucks. i paid my friends to help me carry up some furniture to my apartment, actual cash. = ( awh. poor lil lady.

naysay91 0

#131/thuryn, I know that "paid" is the more correct and accepted form, so do not try to correct me (if that's what you were doing). I never see anyone typing or writing out "payed." My point was that there is no point for these other people to call the OP stupid and say that they should have said "payed" instead of "paid." Either way it doesn't matter, both words have the same exact definition word-for-word.

Don't be a dick. You ever been to a nursing home? It's like descending into the first layer of hell. You can't take care of yourself any more, no real privacy, and a lot of decisions about your life are no longer yours to make. The least you can do is help a little old lady who's having to go into that environment without expecting a big reward. Besides it couldn't have been that much to move, those places don't let their "guests" have more than a small volume of personal items.

thuryn 2

#160 / naysay91: Stop defending a stupid mistake. It just makes you look stupid by association.

naysay91 0

Thuryn, you're the one making yourself look stupid as I did not defend a mistake. I pointed out the mistake of others telling the original poster that they were wrong, when indeed they were not. You're an idiot if you don't understand something as simple as that.