By allergic_to_bull - 08/10/2014 18:48 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I attended an assembly regarding senior graduation. The assistant principal told us to look to the left and right of us, because those people would be our friends for the rest of our lives. I was the only one in the entire row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 521
You deserved it 4 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's not in order for a lot of people, I hardly talk to anyone from that period. Look on the bright side, nobody in your personal space ;)

BeautifulChaos27 37

In all honesty, most of those people in the assembly you'll never hear from again like a year or two after graduation anyway.


Most of those people will never talk again after a year or two in college. No worries!

Brohan, you won't even give any ***** once you hit the real world. More than likely you will lose contact with all but a small few people and you won't even care because you'll replace them with more awesome folks. Drive on.

Not true for some of us. My lifelong friends came much later for me. Don't worry, OP.

mangoboy1 19

i think most people actually never speak to high school friends again

brendejafulable 41

Dont sweat it dude! It's only highschool you got so much coming your way!!

It's okay. I graduated in June and I only talk to MAYBE 5 people in my class.

when you were young, you always strive to fit in, then when you are older, you desperately try to get yourself notice and be competitive. and separate yourself from the crowd, may it be business, love, services you provide, product you sell, consider yourself a head start, don't worry man, you will be fine

cgrant39 8

who needs friends anyway when we have social media? :)