By congrats grad - 08/06/2013 05:12 - United States - Panorama City

Today, it was my high school graduation. Everything was going fine until everyone saw my family fighting over where we would go afterwards. Security had to pull them apart. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 013
You deserved it 3 408

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Why did nobody think to ask where the grad wanted to go?

californiapoppy 11

That's when you pretend they're someone else's family! And congrats on graduating


yeah, be happy that you'll have a funny graduation story.

It even happned to me once,i was in a restaurant and my family got into an argument for what to order it ended up us getting kicked out of the restaurant !!! Stupid family

PimpdaddyCJT 13

Did they ever decide? I actually want to know what that great of a family would have agreed upon.

jimbob_76592 5

They settled for whataburger drive thru

californiapoppy 11

That's when you pretend they're someone else's family! And congrats on graduating

Why did nobody think to ask where the grad wanted to go?

This fml meets the criteria, but dare I say it? BORING.

Well I'm very sorry that the entire FML community, including the moderators, failed to exceed your high comedic expectations. Perhaps you should submit one of your own, which will doubtless be far superior to this mediocre swill.

perdix 29

#5, I find the "boring" FMLs give commenters more of a chance to make up details and be creative with the causes and outcomes of the story. You really squandered your position at #5 by not putting anything more interesting than that. I find a family coming to fisticuffs at a solemn ceremony quite funny in a white trash/Deliverance/Honey Boo-boo kind of way.

Is your family Italian? Mama mia they should have saved the argument until after.

jimbob_76592 5

Hmmm... Chili's or Applebee's?

I bet a family like this must have been fighting over Denny's or Ponderosa, places like the Olive Garden are too high class.

Out of curiosity #14: What gave you the idea that OP's family isn't high class? I have seen high class families argue over stupid things in public just as much as I have viewed lower class families argue over stupid things in public too.

Allornone 35

On the bright side, you're graduating. Most of the people that saw the fight will never see you again. So while it feels embarrassing now, there's really no need for it to be

Epikouros 31

Unless it's on YouTube. And since a graduation would be full of parents with video gear, there's a good chance it will be on YouTube.

Allornone 35
astralvagan 20

I feel for ya, but like everyone else so far, I'm curious if it was ever decided where to go....

I thought graduations were supposed to be a happy time when your family celebrates being able to kick you out of the house!