By allergic_to_bull - 08/10/2014 18:48 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I attended an assembly regarding senior graduation. The assistant principal told us to look to the left and right of us, because those people would be our friends for the rest of our lives. I was the only one in the entire row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 521
You deserved it 4 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's not in order for a lot of people, I hardly talk to anyone from that period. Look on the bright side, nobody in your personal space ;)

BeautifulChaos27 37

In all honesty, most of those people in the assembly you'll never hear from again like a year or two after graduation anyway.


FaultfulJoy 7

"those people would be our friends for the rest of our lives" SCHOOL STOP LYING!!!

who needs friends when you can have imagination

Aww! Don't worry, you won't feel alone while in a huge college lecture hall :P

I talk to maybe 4 people that I went to school with, and 2 people that I went to college with. I honestly don't miss the rest.

Go past that row...maybe take a turn or two as well

I don't talk to a single person from high school. I don't even live in the same state. You never know where life will take you! Take such speeches for what they are: platitudes to fill the silence.

Dont even worry about. It will take some time to make the best of friends with someone. You'll get there! Just be yourself:)

Don't worry OP. The advice your assistant principle has given, as I have so far found, has rarely been proven true.