By allergic_to_bull - 08/10/2014 18:48 - United States - West Palm Beach

Today, I attended an assembly regarding senior graduation. The assistant principal told us to look to the left and right of us, because those people would be our friends for the rest of our lives. I was the only one in the entire row. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 521
You deserved it 4 258

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I think that's not in order for a lot of people, I hardly talk to anyone from that period. Look on the bright side, nobody in your personal space ;)

BeautifulChaos27 37

In all honesty, most of those people in the assembly you'll never hear from again like a year or two after graduation anyway.


Not many things last forever. But the rule is making the best out of your limited time,

So for you it was true. No one in your highschool is going to be your friend for the rest of your life. You'll be lucky if you stay in contact with anyone two years later.

actually a lot of high school friendships don't last and you discover that the only reason you were really friends is because you went to school together. especially true when you meet other people in college.

Tonite on Fox News - platitudinous sweeping generalisation shown to be false shock. In other news, was this broth ruined by too many cooks? Friends come and go in life

I became better friends with my coworkers then I ever did in high school. even met some great friends in college. There is no doubt you'll have amazing friends beside you throughout your life.

I became better friends with my coworkers then I ever did in high school. even met some great friends in college. There is no doubt you'll have amazing friends beside you throughout your life.

Trust me they won't be I've been out of high school for three years and the friends I had in school are not my friends anymore FYL

That's such a lie. It's rare if you have two good friends from high school you still talk to.

Total bullshit. I don't talk to a single person from high school. You make your real friends in college and beyond.

That's more accurate than if you actually had someone sitting next to you... No offense to you of course, but if you're anything like the majority you're going to want to forget your high school years as soon as they end.