By asdf - 20/06/2009 17:09 - United States

Today, was my high school's senior awards ceremony. Over 400 people were crammed in the hot auditorium. I won five awards and each time I was called up the laughter grew louder. Apparently even the back row could see my pit stains. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 612
You deserved it 5 357

Same thing different taste

Top comments

For ****'s sake. Some people just sweat a lot. That's all. It doesn't mean they don't wear deodorant, it doesn't mean they don't wear anti-perspirant, it doesn't mean they buy cheap versions of the aforementioned toiletries, it just means they got unlucky with the genes and sweat a lot more than other people. Grow up and accept that not everyone's body is the same, you silly people.

captainobvious07 0

awe damn dude that sucks. i sweat like that a lot too.. nervous tick. i just wear a lot of black and white shirts to cover it up. makes life kinda simple..everything matches!!


deodorant doesn't stop you from sweating

deodourant doesn't stop sweating anti-persperant does

all of you are mean! it's not his fault obvo, gash just feel bad for him, little embarassing dontcha think?

true.... but coconut oil makes sweat smell good

BoredReader88 5

Coconut oil doesnt make pit stains look good though

You should have out an entire layer of deodorant on, and by layer i mean keep applying until there is a protective barrier of white cream up and down your side

i'm totally doing it next time i wear a t-shirt that shows the sweat stains. because a thick layer of deodorant won't leave a stain

captainobvious07 0

awe damn dude that sucks. i sweat like that a lot too.. nervous tick. i just wear a lot of black and white shirts to cover it up. makes life kinda simple..everything matches!!

famouslove 0

Ahh that sucks. Congrats though :).

That sucks, but at least you won a lot of awards!

least no toilet paper stuck to your foot/ripped trousers/tripped and rolled and hit head and had to be driven off to hospital.. thankfully, these haven't happened to me. :}


That sucks. That's really all I can say

jeanii_fml 4

who cares? you'll never see any of them again. do the same in college and you'll be on the road to success.