By PrettySureItsReal - 09/04/2015 19:38 - United States - Saint Peters

Today, a parent of one of the students I teach called me to complain that I was teaching her child "lies" and "fairytales". I was teaching them about the Holocaust. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 058
You deserved it 2 216

Same thing different taste

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A school here was sued because they had the students write an essay about whether the holocaust was real or not, a Jewish family was so upset (like anyone would be) and funded a trip to the Museum of Tolerance for everyone in that school.

didn't you know? Obama staged the whole thing


It does seem that an event so abominable couldn't have really even happened. Denial is better than acceptance, for some.

uglyheadedbitch 20

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incoherentrmblr 21

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A_Little_Girl77 12

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What does age have to do with this? Ignorance comes with all ages races genders and sexualities.

People can be really stupid sometimes, but don't let it hold you back from teaching them about something as important as this

Denial and stupidity are powerful things, OP.

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Come on, Hitler was definitely a fictional character!

Dreamsorrow93 24

That's horrible. The fact people refuse to believe something so horrible happened. It happened.

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