Blood is thicker than a dollar bill

By Anonymous - 02/08/2021 00:01

Today, I woke up and wished I hadn’t. I’m broke, tired, hungry and sick of my family, who is rich by the way, not even contributing a penny to help me from being evicted. Oh, and I lost my job last week. FML
I agree, your life sucks 780
You deserved it 429

Same thing different taste

Top comments

TruthSoothsayer 3

It may very well be that they aren't paying your bills because they love you and want you to learn to be more responsible, keep a job, and save money. They don't owe you anything. You can overcome this problem on your own. Don't give up! You'll come out a stronger, wiser, and more responsible person for it.

You're still alive so you're still tough enough to make a change. Don't give up! Sometimes things get worse before they get better!


You're still alive so you're still tough enough to make a change. Don't give up! Sometimes things get worse before they get better!

Adversity only makes you stronger, Life is full of challenges, you will find a way.

TruthSoothsayer 3

It may very well be that they aren't paying your bills because they love you and want you to learn to be more responsible, keep a job, and save money. They don't owe you anything. You can overcome this problem on your own. Don't give up! You'll come out a stronger, wiser, and more responsible person for it.

No, her parents sound toxic as hell if they won't help her out from getting evicted. "They don't owe you anything?" They're her *parents.*

TruthSoothsayer 3

Your parents don't owe you a damn thing once you're "grown". If you feel like they do then you aren't grown. Nobody is responsible for you but yourself when you're a grownup.

Nikki 17

Until we know the background it’s hard to judge, maybe they’ve helped out plenty of times before and are sick of it, maybe every time they help the money is wasted on other stuff, how do you know they owe her anything? Just because they gave birth to you doesn’t make them obligated to bail you out as an adult

DoctorPALO 14

If you've only been jobless for ONE week and are already facing eviction, maybe the problem is that YOU are not responsible/mature enough to hold down a job and/or prioritize your rent/bills over frivolous spending.

Your parents not contributing is a sign that they want you to stand on your own. My kids complained once that I bought the dogs McDonald's and not them. They're all in their 20's.