By creeped_out_ - 24/06/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I am currently grounded for three weeks, have no car, cell phone, or television privileges, and am not allowed to spend more than 10 minutes on the computer a day. The reason why: I was seven minutes past my 9'oclock curfew. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 846
You deserved it 13 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

so you spent your ten computer minutes to write an fml? that's kind of fml worthy in itself.....

doodlebug93 0


That's nothing, I was going to college 3,000 miles away, living on my own and was working to support myself. I went home to visit my parents for a month and the second week I went over to my friend's house and we were drinking. My dad called and could tell I was a little drunk, he came over at midnight, dragged me home and I was grounded for the rest of the time I was visiting them.

davedangerous 0

brooo that brings back memories... everytime i was 2 min late my mom would call my p.o. eventually they put me on a tether!!

there are few fml's out there that make me sad. This is one of them.


...and you spent your 10 minutes on FYL for not having anything better to do.

CatieBabey 0

Why is everyone acting like an 18 year-old should get out of their parents house and get a job? The OP never said they don't have a job. And they are 18- probably just graduated high school. I'm 19, have a job, and GUESS WHAT- my parents paid for my car. So technically, if they want to ground me from it, they have every right. You don't know the situation. It seems the OP's parents probably bought them a car when they were 16, and obviously the OP never bothered to save up for a car- if your parents handed you one, why would you? Because you probably DON'T have parents like this, so stop acting like you know exactly how they could get out of this. It's not as simple as talking to the parents, or moving out- hello! The economy is in absolute SHAMBLES! I'll guarantee if the OP does have a job they don't make nearly enough money to support themselves. But just because their parents support them doesn't make it right to control the OP like that. I've never in my life heard of an 18-year-old having a 9pm curfew. As soon as the OP gets an ounce of freedom- whether it be at college, when they move out, whatever- they are going to go buck wild and party like we all did when we were 16, and probably end up even worse.

CatieBabey 0

oh PS this really does suck :[

fyourlife33 0

Well at least you prioritzed your 10 minutes of computer time

beast92 2

That sucks... :/ i would die