By OhJoy - 02/11/2009 05:08 - United States

Today, I got an e-mail from a girl, asking if my boyfriend was indeed my boyfriend. I sent back a gushing message about how much I loved him and how well he treated me. She replied "Yeah, I know. He was supposed to be my boyfriend, too." FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 302
You deserved it 4 230

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why the hell would you do that? its like if you're on line at 7-11 and another person asks you if they sell pepsi and you lecture them on how much you love pepsi because it tastes good.


Reyo 2

The FML isn't that her boyfriend was leading a double life, it's that she writes gushing messages about loved ones to complete strangers when all she had to say was "yes". XD

GR3453m0nk3y 4

wow what a douche thats what you get for owning a cheese grader

jchansfan 0

As someone who makes a lot of bad jokes on this site, I want you to know that that joke was just simply horrible. Guess you didn't pass "Grade Cheese". Okay now I'm not sure who's joke is worse. :/

oh lawd.. my turn: What's green and smells like paint? green paint :/

I blame you for this ILIEKGIRLS: What's brown and sticky? shit. duh.

why the hell would you do that? its like if you're on line at 7-11 and another person asks you if they sell pepsi and you lecture them on how much you love pepsi because it tastes good.

That's what you get for acting like an idiot and bragging about somebody who you'll probably hate within the next year.

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Savvysass 0

I thought he was my boyfriend!!

girlygirl666 0

It never occured to you that it was strange for some random girl to be asking you that?

i agree. but wow i feel bad for you. but what if its a joke? oO i mean you dont even know the girl.

jchansfan 0

The way you said it, it kinda sounds like you overdid it as if to drive her away from him or to show off. If that's the case, then it is kinda poetic justice... But if you were just like "Yeah, I love him sooo much! =)" then I'm sorry that happened to you... and her. =( this is an awesome website