By creeped_out_ - 24/06/2009 21:34 - United States

Today, I am currently grounded for three weeks, have no car, cell phone, or television privileges, and am not allowed to spend more than 10 minutes on the computer a day. The reason why: I was seven minutes past my 9'oclock curfew. I'm 18. FML
I agree, your life sucks 85 846
You deserved it 13 540

Same thing different taste

Top comments

oh_dee 0

so you spent your ten computer minutes to write an fml? that's kind of fml worthy in itself.....

doodlebug93 0


I understand what you mean. I'm 18, going into my second year of college. My curfew is still 10, but I don't get punished for it unless I stay out past 12. But.. they have this expectation still of me to come home at 10. Honestly, I don't get why people say move out and because you didn't, YDI. But most 18 year olds can't support themselves right out of high school. I go to USC, my parents are paying for my tuition. If I don't follow their ridiculous rules, I don't get to go to school. Harsh, but it happens. It'll be better when you're off at school and DORM if you can. I had so much freedom and could go out whenever I wanted when I was at school. But when I came home (like I am now) I'm expected to be home early. Don't think you're the only one. ;) Are you Asian? I'm Asian. Damn Asians.

This is exactly why I'm leaving the moment I turn 18.

i'm 17. i'm not allowed to walk down the street to or from my friends house if the sun is about to set. i also have a 9 o'clock curfew, if im even allowed out. i know how you feel.

parents like that are bad people with no souls

You're life is ******, and your parents are BEYOND uptight. That's just sad :(. Don't they realize they have to set you free someday, and when they do, you'll go crazy cause you had so little freedom before? They're doing more harm than good by enforcing rules as stupid as that.

go_rangers 0

you get 10 minutes on the computer and you come here?? way to waste 3 of your minutes. YDI for that.

alex_vik 0

You're 18, you don't like their rules, move out.

YoungTechnique 0

Sucks to be you, FYL indeed.

you definetly need to GTFO of that household.