By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:58 - United States

Today, I'm a 22 year-old guy with a 11:00 pm curfew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 321
You deserved it 16 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So stop playing WoW and move out of your parents' basement.

zp5 4

#1 so you're 13? then why does your info say you're 16?


Babushka_Homyak 10

OP, are you not telling us something? Perhaps the curfew wasn't set by your parents, but instead by the little bracelet around your ankle?

plantgodess 0

This is exactly what I was thinking!

Mars_Bars_Big_Na 0

ydi for living with ur parents and 1 is right I'm 14 and I go to bed wen da *** I want

dooch bag curfew usually means be home by a certain time

Clearly, your parents need to put a little more effort in.

1. Move out. 2. You're an adult. 3. Really? Come on, man. Grow a pair.

RedPillSucks 31

People talk a good game about doing what ever they want. It's all good until your ass is out on the street. If its not your house STFU or GTFO.

What if they can't afford to move out because they're in school full time, without a job? That's not necessarily their fault.

janise 2

@ 5t3ff1k4h: I'm in school full time (which I pay for out of my own pocket) and live on my own without being supported by my parents. The only reason someone lives with their parents is b/c they are too spoiled/lazy to work for what they have. Don't really blame them's much easier to just sit around and have things handed to you on a silver platter.

I'm a little offended with what you said in your comment. I can't find a job in my city, at the moment, because no one is hiring. I've been busting my ass to look for a job, and I can't find one. That doesn't make me lazy in the least! I'm glad you've presumably found a job, but it doesn't make it that easy for the rest of us. There's always something that comes up.

Janise - You can't say the ONLY reason someone still lives with their parents is because they are lazy or spoilt. The OP is 22, which could easily mean he's just graduated from university, which could therefore mean he has moved back in with his parents whilst he looks for a job. It could also be because he has recently lost his job and therefore has no money to continue paying for a place of his own. It could also be because he is on a buisness trip of some description in the area his parents live in, and therefore he took the oppertunity to visit them whilst there. I could go on, but I think I've made my point. And Steph has made hers.

killab420 0

doesn't matter, he lives in their house he has to play by their rules or he can man up and get his own place.

MissGrinch 4

Pssh. Break the rules! Be badass! Stay out until 11:01 PM. >:)