By Anonymous - 27/09/2010 15:58 - United States

Today, I'm a 22 year-old guy with a 11:00 pm curfew. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 322
You deserved it 16 407

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So stop playing WoW and move out of your parents' basement.

zp5 4

#1 so you're 13? then why does your info say you're 16?


I agree with you because I'm about to be 20 In November and I have a 10 o'clock curfew!!

maybe OP just got married and handed over his balls. Eitherway grow up Boys do what they can, men do what they want.

missy_sad_face 0

hahaha this made me smile :) you know that you don't have a legal curfew right..?

x5xfmlx5x 0

I recommend u go 2 the doctor n get ur umbilical cord cut

DearCricket 0

Seriously, OP isn't a loser. I'm 19 and still live at home and I am damn content.

I went threw the same thing and I'm in my 30's married and my dad still yells at me to cut my hair

Alicia860 0

wow I think it's time u move out YDI

sabbysaysrawr 0

i am 13 and my cerfeww is 11:00 !!

CareeBearr 2

I dont live with my parents, I'm 24 and have a 12 am curfew used to be 11, I feel your pain.

well if you still live with your parents there must be a good're in school or you are not a responsible person. If you are in school and they give you a curfew you must be deserving it! If you are just not responsible enough to move out, you also deserve that curfew! Their house, their kids, their rules, you deserve it!