By milhouse86 - 27/09/2010 19:22 - United States

Today, I was changing in the back seat of my new truck when it started to roll backwards. In my haste to reach the brake, I hit my head and fell face first into the steering wheel. I then realized that it wasn't rolling. The car next to me was just pulling out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 841
You deserved it 29 820

milhouse86 tells us more.

milhouse86 0

yea, that would have sucked lol

Top comments

Am I the only one who read "the guy next to me was just pulling out?" That would have made this even funnier.


rallets 22

it's okay, OP, you'll look back at this in a few years and think..."i was such a dumbass"

lexielovesyou 0


xkiababy 0

would have been funnier if the air bag went off!

happens to me all the time; I think I'm rolling, when its simply the car next to me driving off

D13g0 0

hahah... atleast u didnt fall buttnaked into ur shifter.. causing you to tear ur ass up :-) lol

Am I the only one who read "the guy next to me was just pulling out?" That would have made this even funnier.

c8750 2

Haha! You made me re-read the post. That definitely would have been funnier

FyourLIFEdotCOM8 0

haha I re-read it too. that would have been awesome

MexicanTexasQtt 9

That would have made this amazing

saragr94 2

haha that would have been hilarious to watch

MexicanTexasQtt 9
MexicanTexasQtt 9

I meant I'm in love with your picture

MexicanTexasQtt 9

I mean I'm in love with your picture

Loved the story! #6: Yeah, it crossed my mind, but I let it go... :)