Mind of my own

By Bahi - 25/07/2022 10:00

Today, despite the fact that I'm 20 years-old, my parents never allow me to go out and have fun with my friends, under the pretext that I'm a girl. I'm stuck at house all year long, I only go out to the college they forced me to study at, and they decide everything about me. I’m tired. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 115
You deserved it 260

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Cut your losses and leave?! You are 20, what can they do if you pack up and leave? Here's something you need to learn: You can cut out family and friends or any other people that are controlling and manipulative towards you. Just accept consequences. I left my house at 14, I still ended up in college and a degree, I speak to my mum, I have cut out all my six siblings their 14 kids, my dad. And I never expect anything from them. Parents don't own you, they made a choice to have a child. It's the parents behaviour and attitude that gives you a choice to stay or lose contact. It's simple, you are 20, leave. You will struggle, fail, but eventually you learn to be responsible of yourself and do you. I have been couch surfing, done endless of jobs and even lived out of a tent. None was has horrible than what I had at home. I would have hanged myself, and shot in both legs if I had to study what my parents thought I should. I shut them down, I don't need their money or house. I studied what I wanted, changed my.mind three times and yet here I am happy I got to make my own choices and I'm not full of bitterness. If you live in a house where you feel trapped or negatively towards anyone inside the house it is not your place. Your home is a place of security and support regardless of who you are, it's a place of understanding.

Just move out and pay your own way through school. I'm guessing you can't do that. Plan B is suck it up until you complete your degree and get a job. Then, you can afford to move out and go ******' nuts!


How about rebelling? Sure beats the alternative, marriage.

Cut your losses and leave?! You are 20, what can they do if you pack up and leave? Here's something you need to learn: You can cut out family and friends or any other people that are controlling and manipulative towards you. Just accept consequences. I left my house at 14, I still ended up in college and a degree, I speak to my mum, I have cut out all my six siblings their 14 kids, my dad. And I never expect anything from them. Parents don't own you, they made a choice to have a child. It's the parents behaviour and attitude that gives you a choice to stay or lose contact. It's simple, you are 20, leave. You will struggle, fail, but eventually you learn to be responsible of yourself and do you. I have been couch surfing, done endless of jobs and even lived out of a tent. None was has horrible than what I had at home. I would have hanged myself, and shot in both legs if I had to study what my parents thought I should. I shut them down, I don't need their money or house. I studied what I wanted, changed my.mind three times and yet here I am happy I got to make my own choices and I'm not full of bitterness. If you live in a house where you feel trapped or negatively towards anyone inside the house it is not your place. Your home is a place of security and support regardless of who you are, it's a place of understanding.

Just move out and pay your own way through school. I'm guessing you can't do that. Plan B is suck it up until you complete your degree and get a job. Then, you can afford to move out and go ******' nuts!

you'll be thankful in 10 years and wishing someone else is making the choices for you