By deerling - 18/03/2019 06:00 - United States - Phoenix

Today, I accidentally farted really loud. My 4 year-old brother heard me and started crying and stopped talking to me for a whole hour. Now he tells everyone about "that time his sister farted." FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 934
You deserved it 341

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Girls don't fart. My ex looked like a lily, smelled like jasmine, and tasted like cherries. At no point did she ever smell of ass. According to her, anyway.

bloopaloop 27

Should have told him it was a queef


bloopaloop 27

Should have told him it was a queef

Sounds like it’s time for you to teach him the classic: “You smelt it, you dealt it.”

USA, the only country on earth where females do not poop, pee or fart.... Did you know, holding in farts can harm your intestines and cause anal leakage among other things as you get older?

Eh, there are far more prudish countries out there when it comes to bathroom habits. We’re not great, but we’re not the worst either.

bloopaloop 27

That's because American women DONT have buttholes. Women where you're from sound gross

Girls don't fart. My ex looked like a lily, smelled like jasmine, and tasted like cherries. At no point did she ever smell of ass. According to her, anyway.

Someone sounds like they’re still a little bitter.

Aphrodite 20

I think the more important question is what the hell did you eat to fart so loud?

OP, simply get him the book, "Everybody poops!" Or "What Shat That?"

The real question is,, what’s wrong with your brother. Never met any boy at any age that didn’t think a fart, no matter how loud, the louder the better, was hilarious.